Our guide to UK landlord tax
As a landlord with an investment property, you’re likely to pay tax at every stage of the life of that investment: when you buy the property, when you let the property, and later when you sell or pass it on. In short, letting is like any other business: if you make a profit, it’s liable to taxation. However, property tax is a specialist area and navigating the rules can be complicated - particularly for new landlords. Whatever money you make from property, do remember that the tax you pay will not be dictated simply by your property earnings, it’s the total income and capital gains you make that determines your final tax bill.
That’s where this guide comes in. It outlines all the key things you need to know about landlord taxes, and covers some of the ways to reduce your tax liability. Of course, for personal, tailored advice, you should consult a tax professional – ideally one who’s experienced in buy to let taxation - who can help make sure you invest in a tax-efficient way that’s appropriate for your own circumstances. Meanwhile, this overview should help you understand your liability so you can budget properly and make sure you don’t get any surprise demands from HMRC.