How can you contribute?
How to provide your thoughts on the consultation
The Government is now inviting responses to this consultation until 28 October 2023. Thereafter the Government proposes to publish the details of the responses received and their finalised policy positions in a timely way so as to ensure progress is made on this important work. From the date the consultation closes and throughout 2024/25, the Government will work with expert groups on the elements that will underpin the licensing scheme, including education and training standards, insurance, infection control and hygiene qualifications and a fees model.
This will inform future public consultations on specific elements of the licensing scheme, which will include assessments on the economic and equality impacts of the proposed changes. Work will then be undertaken to finalise the regulations and implement the licensing scheme. The Government has advised that there will be a set lead in time/transitionary period before the licensing scheme is in full operation across England.
Please take the time to read our digital guide to the Government consultation which provides a detailed understanding of the upcoming licence scheme. You can then respond to the consultation by pressing the “Have your say” button below. When you respond we urge you to indicate that you support the JCCP position that there should be a minimum age limit of 18 for non-surgical cosmetic treatments and that you support the consultation proposals for the treatments that should be in the Green, Amber and Red categories.
Yes, I have contributed
Not yet, but I will be contributing
No, I won't be contributing