What should landlords do about energy efficiency?
Where should landlords begin when improving the energy efficiency of a property?
The more energy efficient and eco-friendly you can make your property, the better it is for the environment and the more desirable it will be for tenants who want not only low energy bills but also a low carbon footprint. And although there may be an initial outlay (substantial in some cases) on your part, you should reap the financial returns in the future.
But where should landlords begin when it comes to improving the energy efficiency of a property? James Tanner, energy efficient homes expert and landlord of 15 years, explains:
The starting point is to implement all the measures which cost nothing. Why not - there’s nothing to lose. Then carry out all the measures which are low cost. Do as much as you can. Also make a list of the things that cost nothing to give to the tenants. For example, most boiler manufacturers provide an app you can share with tenants which explains how to control the heating, so they only have it on A, when it’s cold and B, when they’re home.
In this guide, we’ll explain what you need to do to make sure your property complies with the law, both now and in the future, and that it’s as eco-friendly as possible, so you’ll have no shortage of tenants who’d love to make it their home.
An eco home is, in simple terms, a property that has a minimal impact on the environment.
The best eco homes have been designed and built using the most sustainable materials, then fitted out with the latest energy-saving devices so they require minimal energy to run.
Of course, most landlords aren’t letting brand-new eco homes!
But there are plenty of options out there to help you make the kind of changes to your property that would improve its carbon emissions and ecological impact, while complying with the law and meeting tenants’ needs.
Solar panels, modern appliances, new insulation and smart home technology can all improve your property’s ‘green’ credentials and appeal, while reducing your tenants’ bills – a win-win situation.
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