Decision making
Discover the two key questions that we consider when making a decision
When we consider dual fee complaints raised by sellers, there are two main questions we consider when making a decision:
Who introduced the buyer to the sale?
Who placed the seller at risk of dual fees?
No consumer should be put at risk of paying dual fees. In these situations, agents are expected:
to handle this between themselves
to agree who should keep the fee or whether there should be a split
not to involve a consumer when making this decision
to take legal advice to explore their options for taking legal action against the other agent, where they are unable to agree
Agents can also use alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation. Property Redress offers a mediation service, which can help agents reach a decision. Contact details can be found on our website.
By handling it directly between themselves and agreeing on who keeps the fee or if it should be split
By contacting the seller and demanding they pay fees to both agents
By keeping quiet and hoping the other agent won’t charge fees to the seller